Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Riyanto, Inventor Batik Waste Processing Equipment

Until now, batik unprocessed waste safely. Though the waste including hazardous and toxic materials category (B3). Riyanto PhD chemists find a simple tool that can make the B3 waste has become more secure.

AFTER officially recognize batik as a UNESCO world cultural heritage in 2009, Indonesia's distinctive products are increasingly moncer. Efforts to develop batik rose sharply. As a race, a variety of types and batik patterns are now emerging.

However, the development of batik was not accompanied by efforts to manage the impact of its production, especially with regard to liquid waste.

Conditions that attract the attention of the Faculty of Mathematics and Science lecturer Indonesian Islamic University (UII) in Yogyakarta, Riyanto PhD. Along with the establishment of UNESCO, Riyanto started to gather some facts about batik.

As an academic with a background in chemistry, he felt batik waste has yet to be processed safely. In fact, there are toxins in the waste batik is very high, irritants, and carcinogens. Waste decomposes batik difficult because they contain compounds that are stable benzana.

As a consequence of the recognition of UNESCO, of the batik industry is growing. Practically, the waste generated will be more and more.

Departing from thence doctorate in chemistry graduate of the University Kebangsaan Malaysia was trying to make a waste treatment method of batik with electrolysis. The method is simple, but the results are optimal.


This tool is only composed of a series of anode and cathode platinum (Pt). The circuit is implemented with a current source of power supply 10 volts DC maximum power. The tool is then inserted in the waste-colored batik is still concentrated. To expedite the work, necessary electrolysis container and stir in salt.

That way, the oxidation reaction occurs, so that the ring benzana disconnected to CO2 (carbon dioxide) and H2O (water). By its nature, CO 2 and then evaporated. With the dissolution benzana ring which is the most stable compound, it is no longer hazardous waste.

Based on the analysis of waste batik black or dark blue, after the electrolysis process, will turn red clear. The results of the analysis of waste components and then adapted to the effluent quality standard based on Government Regulation No. 20/1990. Waste result of this electrolysis produces a safe solution is used for various domestic purposes, agriculture, industry, and even for drinking water.

"With a simple circuit that I expect to be practiced with ease by the community," said Riyanto.

Associated with cost, Riyanto states this tool is quite cheap. "The core, the required power supply, cost about USD 7.5 million. Then platinum depending on their needs. Yesterday I bought a size of 5 cm worth Rp 5 million. It is rather expensive because of the platinum metals was very good as the electrocatalyst and durable. Simply put, once purchased can be used forever, "explained the man born in Ngawi, May 4, 1971 that, when found in chemical laboratories FMIPA UII, yesterday.

Riyanto provide an alternative. If platinum is considered too expensive, then it could be replaced with a gilded metal platinum.

"The need for each processing it differently, can be big can be small. To be economical, platinum can be plated to other metals. It does not matter, because that is important in this process the outer layer (platinum), "he said.

Riyanto acknowledge tool was recently exhibited at the event Appropriate Technology Exhibition in Turkey that has never been applied to treat waste in a batik on a large scale. But he is optimistic, these tools can work effectively.

"It's just a technical problem. For large-scale processing, I suggest there is an integrated order processing savings, "he said.

He plans to offer tools to the related department that houses batik artisans. Office of the concerned will be asked to build processing batik industries around the area.

"So it does not have any entrepreneur of batik has its own processing. Because to make processing by electrolysis method in industrial scale household, at least needs Rp 50 million, "said Riyanto.

Previously, batik waste treatment that have been performed, among which are the adsorption method. However, this method is less effective because of the textile dye adsorbed in the adsorbent is still accumulating at one time, could lead to new problems.

In addition, from observations Riyanto, batik industry in Pekalongan also making efforts of processing by the method of phytoremediation. The trick with batik waste into the sea, but in some places planted with mangroves as a sink disposal.

"But this way is rather difficult to determine the accuracy of absorption," he added.