Made direct members of the Security Forces secured the President (Paspampres). From the results of the examination, there was no malicious intent from the janitor to Ayodhya Hotel in the complex that BTDC. However, the events that triggered the attention of guests and visitors to the Fair ASEAN remains a serious concern Paspampres. Evaluation and internal investigation being conducted.
According to presidential spokesman Julian Aldrin Pasha, Made Paspampres secured as a precaution.
"There was no action aerobatics plane. The plane formation in the air, all attention upward.At that moment there flashed janitor. We have absolutely no attention to the road, "said Julian.
He asserted, the president remained on site until the event is over despite the incident.Meanwhile, Made removed after inspection.
"The question is not left unharmed," he added.
Made Subrata explained, when the incident he was about to return to his home in Mumbul, near Nusa Dua, after work. Everyday he used to pass the place.
"I'm going home, I do not know any presidential event. I think there is a regular event. When I passed that prohibits any no. Therefore, I continue to wear a bike path, "he said innocently when asked to run back to the scene the incident on Monday evening.
He looks scared because a lot of police and soldiers surrounded, including Udayana military commander Maj. Gen. Leonard Louk and Bali Police Chief Inspector General Totoy Herawan Sense participating questioned.
Ambon incident
Made janitor who wore green uniforms did nine scenes. Initially, he came out of the park golf course, then guided bicycle across the sidewalk to the street. Carrying sacks of garbage grass, coconut, and sickle, he pedaled calmly until closer to the venue of ASEAN Fair.
He sped up to only a few meters from SBY. The officer who initially missed the direct capture and interrogate him. Inspector General Maj. Gen. Leonard and H Totoy Indra down from the stage of honor and scolding officials who do security.
They question, how could anyone get into the security area of the ring I.
Not just this once the president breached security. On June 29, 2007, a number of dancers Cakalele flag of South Maluku Republic (RMS) in the presence of President SBY in XIV National Family Day celebrations at Merdeka Square, Kudamati, Ambon.
A number of RMS separatist activists were arrested. The incident created tension between Paspampres and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN). The results of the evaluation mentioned, the error due to lack of coordination between the event and security.Because the dance Cakalele not scheduled to perform.