End Weakness

End weakness. That will be done when Liverpool were treated to Bolton Wanderers in thePremier League at the Reebok Stadium on Sunday (22 / 1) early morning hrs.

Red Bull Confidence

Ferrari and McLaren Mercedes continue to improve the performance of his car to confrontthe race Formula One (F1) next season.

Iranian Embassy Closed

Britain and Iran are hotting up following the Iranians attack the British embassyin Tehran on Tuesday. England, yesterday, closing the Iranian Embassy in London andexpel Iranian diplomats from London.

British Embassy Was Invaded

Iranian demonstrators angry and stormed two British embassy compound in TehranTuesday.

Egyptian Cabinet Retreat, Mass protest form again

Mass protests held again in Egypt, yesterday, a day after a cabinet retreat. Tens of thousands of people thronged the Tahrir Square, Cairo, answered the call of a million people protested to increase the pressure of military leaders to hand over power to civilian government.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Obama Praise Indonesia

About Ratification of Nuclear Test Ban:

President of the United States (U.S.), Barack Obama praised Indonesia in ratifying the nuclear test ban. Indonesia's Obama called the move as a step to combat the spread of nuclear weapons.

"I urge all countries to sign and ratify the treaty so that it can apply as soon as possible," Obama said on Tuesday (6 / 12) local time. First black U.S. president added that he would continue to press the U.S. Senate to ratify the treaty for U.S. security in the future.

"America must be a global leader in order to prevent proliferation, adopt, and as the entrance into force the CTBT (Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty)," Obama said.

The U.S. has observed a moratorium on nuclear test explosions since 1992. But in 1999 the U.S. Senate to block the treaty. Until now, the U.S. still has not ratified the agreement.

Supporters of ratification of this said, the U.S. ratification of this treaty will send an important signal to the world about the importance of checking nuclear proliferation.

In addition to reaping the praise of Obama, Indonesia step in ratifying the nuclear test ban is also appreciated by the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He said the U.S. is committed to ratify the nuclear test ban treaty.

"The United States called on all governments to declare or reaffirm their commitment not to conduct nuclear tests. We urge all countries that have not ratified the treaty to join us in this effort, "said the wife of former U.S. President Bill Clinton's.

The CTBT is an important part of international efforts to prevent proliferation of nuclear weapons. So far there are 182 countries that have ratified the CTBT. But the 44 countries that have nuclear technology is important not made a similar move.

At the initiative of Indonesia, 36 from 44 countries have now ratified the treaty. Thus there are eight countries that have not ratified it. Among them are North Korea (Korea), Iran, Israel, Pakistan, India, China, the United States. Ironically, all the country known to have or at least suspected of developing nuclear weapons.

Possession of nuclear weapons and penyiapsiagaan intercontinental missiles had been a crucial and central point of competition into the West Block and the Eastern Bloc during the Cold War. To prevent the world from unnecessary risk due to possession of nuclear weapons, imposed an agreement SALT I and SALT II, ​​which essentially destroy a certain number of nuclear missiles from both sides.

Presiden Amerika Serikat (AS) Barack Obama memuji tindakan Indonesia dalam meratifikasi pelarangan uji nuklir. Obama menyebut langkah Indonesia itu sebagai langkah untuk memerangi penyebaran senjata nuklir.

“Saya mendesak semua negara untuk menandatangani dan meratifikasi perjanjian sehingga dapat berlaku secepat mungkin,” kata Obama, Selasa (6/12) waktu setempat. Presiden kulit hitam pertama AS itu menambahkan, dia akan terus menekan Senat AS agar dapat meratifikasi perjanjian tersebut untuk keamanan AS di masa depan.

“Amerika harus menjadi pemimpin global untuk mencegah proliferasi, mengadopsi, dan sebagai pintu masuk berlakunya CTBT (Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty),” kata Obama.

AS telah mengamati moratorium pengujian ledakan nuklir sejak tahun 1992. Namun pada 1999 Senat AS memblokir perjanjian internasional tersebut. Hingga kini AS masih belum meratifikasi kembali perjanjian tersebut.

Para pendukung ratifikasi ini mengatakan, ratifikasi perjanjian AS ini akan mengirim sinyal penting ke seluruh dunia tentang pentingnya memeriksa proliferasi nuklir.

Selain menuai pujian dari Obama, langkah Indonesia dalam meratifikasi pelarangan uji nuklir juga diapresiasi oleh Menteri Luar Negeri AS Hillary Clinton. Dia mengatakan, Amerika berkomitmen untuk meratifikasi perjanjian pelarangan uji nuklir.

“Amerika Serikat meminta semua pemerintah untuk menyatakan atau menegaskan kembali komitmen mereka untuk tidak melakukan tes nuklir. Kami mendesak semua negara yang belum meratifikasi perjanjian untuk bergabung dengan kami dalam upaya ini,” tandas istri mantan Presiden AS Bill Clinton itu.

CTBT merupakan bagian penting dari upaya internasional untuk mencegah proliferasi senjata nuklir. Sejauh ini terdapat 182 negara yang telah meratifikasi CTBT. Namun 44 negara penting yang memiliki teknologi nuklir belum melakukan langkah serupa.

Atas prakarsa Indonesia, 36 dari 44 negara itu kini telah meratifikasi perjanjian itu. Dengan demikian masih ada delapan negara yang belum meratifikasinya. Di antaranya adalah Korea Utara (Korut), Iran, Israel, Pakistan, India, China, AS. Ironisnya, semua negara itu diketahui memiliki atau setidaknya dicurigai mengembangkan senjata nuklir.

Kepemilikan dan penyiapsiagaan senjata nuklir berupa misil antarbenua pernah menjadi hal krusial dan menjadi titik sentral persaingan Blok Barat dan Blok Timur pada masa Perang Dingin. Untuk menghindarkan dunia dari risiko yang tidak perlu terjadi akibat kepemilikan senjata nuklir itu, diberlakukan Penjanjian SALT I dan SALT II, yang intinya memusnahkan sejumlah tertentu misil nuklir dari kedua pihak.